Tinggly is a sustainable travel gift-giving platform, where you can purchase experience gifts that are carbon offset. For this collaboration, Tinggly gifted me a private sailing experience on Lake Windermere in the UK's magnificent Lake District. There were no specific deliverables but I did create a blog post, several Instagram posts featuring photos from the experience, Youtube Shorts, and a TikTok video.
The sailing experience itself is about £100 and with a 2022 revenue from my blog of about £7000, this campaign resulted in an ROI of 6,900.00% and an annualized ROI of 6,900.00%.
Affiliate Programme Stats
Updated Dec 2022
Repeated: 13.30%
Unique: 7.65%
All: 8.6%
Conversion Rate
Conversion ratio (all/repeated/unique): 12.17 % /46.84 % /16.44 %
2022 Overview
Sales: € 8 746.01
Conversion Rate: 15.25%
2022 Black Friday Sale Overview:
Sales: € 1 497.69
Conversion Rate: 11.59%